Specify the Solution, Project Manager


A solution is proposed which meets the project requirements. The solution specifies in non-technical terms ‘what’ the solution consists of, and what it will do


  • Identify a solution that meets the requirements
  • Identify the acceptance criteria for the solution
  • Review and agree the solution and acceptance criteria with the client.


For small projects, the proposal document may clearly define the specification of the solution (See proposal section 3.0. Larger projects may require the development of a separate functional specification document.


The specification may also take the form of a specified and designed process (See the Process Management Process).  This information may provide sufficient information to identify the functionality of the solution.  Other functional information such as performance, maintenance, etc will need to be in this document.  (NOTE: The Process supports the Functional Iteration in DSDM, while the remaining parts of the Functional Specification supports the Design and Build Iterations in DSDM.)


Audit Criteria

  • The specification of the solution has been reviewed and approved by the Project Executive.

Document Templates


Process Details

  • Functional Specification Contents


Solution Design and Development

  • Reference 1

Additional Details

Functional Specification Contents


The functional specification contains the following information:




1.0 Overview

A brief overview of the solution. Provide a short description, the key interfaces, and solution requirements.

2.0 Solution Environment

Describe the environment for the solution. In particular, the key interfaces and considerations, such as safety and security, standards conformance, compatibility.

3.0 Solution Detail

Provide a description of the functionality of the solution. This description states ‘what’ each of the functions is to perform and the associated acceptance criteria for the functions. This section does not specify how the functions will be implemented.

4.0 Solution Usage and Support

Describe the elements of the solution that are necessary to implement the functional elements. Cover user interface, documentation, installation, packaging, training, maintenance, and associated acceptance criteria.

5.0 Solution Performance

Describe the parameters for performance, include, timing, reliability, ease of use, etc., include max and limitations, maintainability and associated acceptance criteria.

Draft Product or Solution Description

Product / Solution Name, Description, Minimum and Optional Hardware Required, Minimum and Optional Software Required, training, support, update, ordering, additional services.

Further information concerning the functional specification can be found in the template,

SDLC_TPL002 Functional Specification.