Quality Policy

Policy Identifier: MGT-POL-004

Owner: Bruce McNaughton, Managing Director

Document Status and Date: 05-May-2019, Draft, Version 0.1

Approved By: Bruce McNaughton, 05-May-2019

Re-Approval Date: 05-May-2021


All employees and contractors working in Customer Driven Solutions.


Employees and Suppliers of Customer Driven Solutions demonstrate their commitment to quality and continual improvement through our quality policy:

Customer Driven.

We start by understanding our customer's business needs and provide solutions that support achieving our Customer's business objectives.

Our proposals demonstrate an understanding of the business need and propose relevant solutions.


We like to prototype and experiment to test concepts and understands needs of customers. These prototypes and experiments will be agreed in our plans and the outcome expectations will be agreed. Agility means we communicate often and listen to feedback and suggestions. We will take action on what we learn from the prototype and experiment results. We also use agile practices when appropriate.

Right first time

Our conversations, planning and engagement expect to satisfy our customers needs by being right first time. We learn from our performance and take corrective action if needed.

Diagnose first, then prescribe

We have a full range of solutions available; however, we will take the time to engage with our customers to understand their systems, problems and walk in their shoes before we propose a solution. We will continually evaluate our understanding of the problem and current situation. Our systems approach ensures we understand the context of any changes we propose.

Sell what we use and we use what we sell

We base our solutions on best practice and demonstrate our commitment to improvement. We will adopt / adapt rather than re-invent.

We have been through similar processes and implementation.  We talk from experience.

Our Management System meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and (in progress) Investors in People.

Commitment to Deliver.

Our commitments drive our priorities.  Customer Commitments are given high priority.

We work to a set of priorities in our allocation of resources.

People Commitments

Through our management system and our processes, we develop our people's capability (skills, knowledge and experience) to meet our customer's commitments.  Our people have the time, resources and objectives to develop their own capability in line with our business objectives.

Proven Components

We select and work with suppliers who share our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.  We use proven components in our products and services.

We select products and services that provide a wide range of options.  We provide feedback to our suppliers on their performance.

Cost Effective and Sustainable

Our customers value our cost effective solutions and our capabilities allow us to invest in a sustainable future.

We establish pricing and manage our operating plans to provide enhanced products and services for a sustainable future.


ISO 9001:2015



Our priorities guide our resource allocation.

  • Health or Safety Issues
  • Equal Opportunity Issues
  • Warranty Issues
  • People Commitments
  • Commitments to Deliver
  • Proposals for New Business

Our customers and our people understand our commitment to help solve their business problems before taking on new commitments.